Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Master Cleanse, Day 10

Well, I made it! Day 10 was finished off nicely with a brisk workout at the gym. While I feel that I could go on for another week or two, I am choosing to stop here this time.

This cleanse was not very different from the last cleanse in February, except that I launched into it more spontaneously this time around. That was a mistake. It is useful to spend some time mentally preparing for an extended period of not eating, even if one is receiving plenty of nutrition. There is just something about not chewing that can make me feel a bit deprived unless I have psyched myself up for all the benefits.

I really didn't lose any weight this time. Around day 7, I had dropped to 116.5 lbs., but going to the gym twice this week brought me right back up to 118. (I always gain a few lbs. when I begin an exercise program.) I fully expect to drop some weight within 2 weeks from now. Eating raw and going to the gym will drop it fast.

The whitish coating on my tongue has pretty much cleared up now, so I am satisfied with the length of this cleanse.

On both cleanses, I found I was a little testy and whiny the first few days. By the time I was a week into it, though, I was feeling really well and strong.

Tomorrow, I will begin the process of reintroducing foods. I will start with a day of orange juice and follow that with another 1/2 day of orange juice and then a salad. After that, I should be good to eat whatever I wish.

I think I will plan right now to do my next fast the day after Mardi Gras - the anniversary of my first fast. Hopefully, that will be a nice long one.

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